Whipped Feta with Honey Dip

My good friend, Mona, brought this delicious dish to our last cooking club meal. Well my gosh!! This sweet, salty, velvety dip was scrumptious and could easily be made as an appetizer, a yummy something to be eaten while watching a game (pick you favourite), or simply to be enjoyed as a lovely Valentine’s treat. Truly, you ought to make this today!!


  • 4 oz (113 grams) crumbled feta cheese

  • 4 oz (113 grams) cream cheese at room temperature

  • 1 Tbsp olive oil

  • 1/2 tsp minced garlic

  • 1/2 tsp dried basil

  • 1/4 cup honey (I highly recommend honey from Prairie Field Honey!!)

  • 1 Tbsp chopped pistachios (no, you need more then 1 Tbsp)

  • a pinch of cracked black pepper

Combine feta cheese, cream cheese, and olive oil in a food processor (a blender does not work—I’ve tried). Add these ingredients slowly and in small quantities (and trust me on this as well—it works better slowly and in small quantities). Then add the basil and garlic. Scoop this concoction into a shallow dish with a well in the middle for the honey. Sprinkle with pistachios and cracked black pepper. Heap this onto some warm baguette piece and feel your eyeballs roll back with shear delight! Enjoy.

RecipesBrenda Epp