Iced Tea with Honey

This is by far our favourite summer drink. We rarely buy pop and sugary type drinks except for apple and orange juice but this one graces the table often between June and September. The simplicity of this recipe ensures that even the boys can make it, not that they have (maybe ever) but I’m thinking they could without much help. You don’t need to write this down or print it off. You’ll remember it because it’s that easy.


  • steep 8 black tea bags over night

  • (any size teapot will do)

  • take an empty 4 litre milk jug

  • pour in: the black tea

  • 1 can of pink lemonade concentrate

  • 3/4 cup of honey

    And fill the rest of the jug with water!

There you have it. Simple. Delicious. Easy. You’ll never have to look for another iced tea recipe.